Update May 2019

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Update May 2019

I often complain about how the phrase “how are you” is not a question. “How are you?” people will mutter. Then, just as you open your mouth to answer, they pass by you to catch the door on their way out. I always thought it is not very nice.

“How was your week? ” I casually asked someone last week as we roasted marshmallows over a fire. We met briefly once last year.

“OK. I lost my job and broke up with my boyfriend. ” she replied.

It was then that I realise: I was not prepared to hear what’s really going on. Everyone has their own problems and stories lay unspoken until asked about. Paralyzed by a sudden rush of sadness, I was silent for a while, until she said, as if to comfort me: “it’s really OK. I didn’t like my job anyways. My ex and I are still friends. It is OK. “

I wanted to punch myself in the stomach for being a rotten listener. I think, in the future, I’d ask when I am ready to listen.

“How are you? I haven’t seen your post for a long time. When are you blogging again? ” asks no-one.

But I insist to offer an account, if partial, of what’s up.

Let me end my update post by promising a fun one by this time next month.

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